Born or taught to be entrepreneur? 0

I’m reading (or at least I’m trying to read) a Russian classical book. I’ve started it some 6 months ago, and I’m still at the first chapter. Just to make a comment on this aspect, you should do all your reading while you are not an entrepreneur, because you won’t have any time left after becoming one.

But the actual book, or book reading is not really important for this post. While trying to remember about the characters I started to think that some hundred years ago, it was very usual to get married to a not so far away relative or at least somebody with some blue blood. If you were having noble blood, then you should look to get married with someone of your own social level. While I can’t comment on this procedure, or it’s real results in keeping the DNA “clean” one thing was sure: if the parents were nobles, then the children were automatically nobles.

Because I run an Entrepreneurship blog, it seems natural for me to make a little investigation on how you become an entrepreneur. Are you born or taught to be entrepreneur? I believe that this is quite difficult to establish, and while probably there are some studies trying to estimate this aspect, I won’t try to say that is one way or another. Simply because I really don’t know. But here is what I think.

First, young people tend to be more active and get involved more easily in entrepreneurship.

  • because we have schools that teach you to become one
  • because you have more free time
  • don’t have many commitments towards the family
  • it’s easier to take risks when you have the life in front

So, ok, if you are young and been in school, you are more likely to become an entrepreneur.

Communications, infrastructure and better laws make entrepreneurship easier
I mean, it’s easier to make a call, to send an e-mail or have an on line meeting than ever before.

Then if you have a technologically advanced country, yes, you are more likely to become an entrepreneur.

Necessity or opportunity entrepreneurship
The necessity entrepreneurship appears basically when you can’t find a job or something to support your living and you have to start a business. The opportunity entrepreneurship appears when you want to make a little extra in your life than having a simple job. (once again a non scientific explanation) But what is important is that in rich countries you have more opportunity entrepreneurship than necessity entrepreneurship. To put it in a simpler way, if your family has some money put aside, it’s easier to start a business, because you can support your life standards until your business pays dividends.

So, yes, if you have some money saved, you are more likely to start a business.

Family and friends
If your dad runs a business, you have a good chance to get entrepreneurial as well, by continuing his work or doing something similar. Or maybe you inherit a business. Or your friends have one. All these are good reasons to become one yourself.

So far, all the above facts say that the society will make you an entrepreneur or not. But is it all? What about businesses raised from nowhere? The modern history shows us that is possible to become an entrepreneur against all social premises. Look what happens in Eastern European countries, the culture, the communism and the older people and obsolete thinking are all against entrepreneurship. And then why poor countries tend to grow faster than the already rich ones? Why is ASIA moving so fast? And what happen to China? I believe that while the society can be against or not favorable to entrepreneurship, there will always be people ready and willing to become entrepreneurs. And not because they have learned to be, or the society told them to be one. They have it in their blood.

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