Interview with Small Business Entrepreneur Becky McCray

As I live in our capital city, Bucharest, and I always wanted to know how business is different in a small town. I had some genuine questions I always wanted to ask another entrepreneur. Becky McCray from Small Biz Survival had some interesting answers.

Becky McCray is an entrepreneur and rancher in a small town in Oklahoma. She writes about small business and rural issues. In her spare time, she enjoys photography, safaris, and spoiling her niece and three nephews.

For the readers that don’t know, Becky shares multiple roles under the same hat. She is co-owner of Allen’s Retail Liquors, rancher, and business/marketing consultant. I know from my own part-time entrepreneurship experience that doing multiple jobs simultaneously requires excellent focus and time management, so how do they all work together? What’s the biggest challenge?

Becky: Thanks for inviting me. I must enjoy handling multiple roles because I’ve been doing it for a long time. The store requires me to work certain hours each day, but all the other things I do are more flexible. My husband takes care of most of the ranching, and I fit in my other work where I can. You’ve identified the most significant challenge: focus.

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